This year I am resolved to.....
Wait...I am not going to resolve anything. Today is another gift from God just like yesterday was and tomorrow will be, if He so chooses. I should be striving to be and do my very best whether it is January 1st or September 19th.
This is not to say there isn't much I need to improve on. There's more than enough that I need to work on, and I will try and try again to make those improvements. But what I am not going to do is set myself up for failure.
I am a fanatical list maker. This Christmas, as in Christmas's past, I had a list of what we would be eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner and a calendar that listed what needed to be cooked and when.
I do this for a couple reasons.
First, my memory is just not the steel trap that it used to be. I do think this is hereditary though. My Grandma Runyon would come out of the bedroom after dressing and take her both her hands and tap her shoulders (checking to make sure she had a shirt on) tap her breasts (yep, there's the brassiere) tap her waist (check - pants and panties in place) and then off she would go.
Second, it keeps me organized. Without the list, we very well could be enjoying breakfast casserole for Christmas dinner and Red Beans and Rice for breakfast because I didn't read the recipe ahead and know that the beans had to cook for 8 hours. This is not to say that this list making doesn't have it's flaws as evidenced in the multiple runs to Kroger on Dec. 23....or 1:00 in the morning Dec. 24. But hey, the pull-a-part pecan rolls were well worth the trip!!
Third, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. There is no feeling like marking a task off of a to do list. Even if the task you are marking off is making another to do list. It is something that needed to be done and it got done....mark it off.....move on to the next job.
So if I am such an anal list maker why aren't I making any New Years Resolutions? It isn't because the list would be too long (although it would be quite lengthy) it's because those resolutions are what I want accomplished. I want to loose weight. I want to be better with money. I want to exercise more......I want I want I want.
Nothing I want can be accomplished unless it has been ordained by God the Father and until I have completely surrendered my will to His, even if the things I want are good things, they can't be attained without His power. So in 2010, I will continue to seek His will and let Him make my resolution list.
I am looking forward with anticipation to what God will do for my family in the coming year. He has so blessed us in 2009 that it will be almost unimaginable to see what He can do in 2010.
Happy New Year to all of you. I pray that 2010 will bring you blessings untold!
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