September 09, 2009

Watch My Weight

I am 5 months away from being 50. I don't mind being 50. I do mind that I am as overweight as I am at 50.

I haven't always been heavy. As a matter of fact, I used to be thin. How did I get this way? Let's take a look.

Here I am in 1972 -- 12 years old--- I was probably heavier
than I appear because you know how vertical stripes on your pants
will always make you look thinner.

Ahhh, to be 16 again.

Here is a young, seventeen year old
showing off her engagement ring.

Here is the 18 year old bride on her honeymoon.

This was 1979...still thin.

If this picture from 1983 were a full body shot,
you could see where the weight was starting
to creep in on the behind.

Here is where the trouble really begins.
Around 1996.

By 2001 I had it under control. Lost almost 50 pounds at Weight Watchers.
I keep this picture in a frame. Not because this
vacation was particularly memorable, but
because I was thin again. It gives me hope.

Here in the fall of 2002 it is starting to creep back on again.

By 2006 it was back to square one.

So, the question is....What am I going to do about it now? It is not going to be easy. I have tried and tried and tried again only to fail. So in attempt to hold my self even more accountable, you my dear friends and family are going to walk with me down this road of de-blubbering.

It is my intention to post regular updates. I really don't have any idea what those updates will entail. I just know that typing it and announcing my successes or failures to the world might make me a little more aware of my eating habits.

So today, Wednesday, September 9, 2009, begins the journey. I would appreciate any encouragement you can give.

I figure I have nothing to gain and everything to loose!!

Thanks in advance for your support and prayers.

Start watching for a thinner Grandma Dee!!

1 comment:

  1. you can do it, grandma dee! i love you & will be cheering you on! :)

