Apparently there is this thing on Facebook that you list 25 random things about your self. Since I am not a member of that cult, I thought I would list my 25 things here:
25. I don't drink coffee.
24. People that think highly of themselves nauseate me.
23. I love to take long road trips.
22. If I could choose any other place to live, I would live in the Smoky Mountains.
21. I want to be Amish.
20. I am married to the most patient man in the world.
19. I have the three most amazing children in the world.
18. I have the two most wonderful children-in-laws in the world.
17. I was very shy and insecure up until I was in my I am just insecure.
16. I hate bugs.
15. I miss my Dad..... a lot.
14. I used to write short stories and poetry and regret not pursuing it further.
13. I hate working full time.
12. I am not, nor have I ever been, a good money manager.
11. I am annoyed by slow drivers.
10. I took shorthand in high school and can not remember one single thing I learned.
9. I think tattle tales should have to wear a scarlet letter on their chest.
8. I never understood the purpose of parent/teacher conferences.
7. I really hate being lied to. (See #8)
6. I would really like to get a look at my "permanent record."
5. I like to be alone.
4. My favorite things to buy are shoes, purses and sunglasses.
3. I started writing a blog just to embarrass Stephanie
2. I hate dogs. (not really, but that is just to get back at the people who say they hate cats)
1. I wish I were smarter.
1 day ago
I love it! Although, I find #3 unneccessary. I told you to do it! And I laughed at #20. :) Love you!